10 Station General Function Valve Pack (IVP)
- ROV Components & Manipulators
What’s Included
- Valve Pack
- Laptop with Software
- Operations Manual
- Certificate Pack.
- Spares Kit.
The 10 Station General Function Valve Pack (IVP) was designed on the back of our growing demand for quality, reliable products for upgrading our ROV systems. These compact lightweight products can be tailored to the individual needs of any application.
The units can be built with on / off solenoid valves, proportional or mixture of valve configurations to suit the Customers’ requirements, driven by a powerful, fully configurable digital control system.
All our valve packs are supplied with a laptop installed with our in-house control software. The Software, provides control to the Board via RS232 / RS 485 which in turn can drive both on / off and proportional valves. Our PCB’s and software are all developed and controlled in house to ensure we can provide the best long-term support.
We have Thruster Control, TMS Control, General Function and tooling Valve Packs available.
Basic Applications
- ROV Tooling control
- Thruster Control